April 20-21, 2024, Los Angeles

Coffeehouse Theater, CalArts

Directed By Qingwen Cao; Devised By TIDE Ensemble

TIDE begins with Nüwa, named after the Chinese Mother Goddess and creator of all humankind, playing with sand on the beach. Nobody knows how the sandmen she made came to life. As night falls, the rising tide wipes out these fragile creature’s existence. In this endless day-to-day cycle, the sandmen ponder the value of life, relentlessly pursue hope, and attempt to escape the fate that fades away with each midnight tide.

Creative Team

Director/Composer: Qingwen Cao

Playwright: Qingwen Cao & Gefei Liu

Scenic Designer: Qi Liu

Costume Designer: Ian Do

Lighting Designer: Miles Karraa

Sound Designer: Ying Xin

Video Director: Siyi Yi

Animator: Siyi Yi, Zhiqi Zhang

Choreographer: Giada Jiang

Producer: Fina Zhou

Stage Manager/Video Technician: Jacob Padilla

Assistant Scenic Designer: Xiaoke Zhang, Ruijun Zou

Assistant Producer: Grisis Yu

Video Editor: Joseph Chih

Graphic Designer: Yi Tang


Nüwa: Brityn Ramsey

Paow: Samul Teague

Mai: Evie Rosa Butler

Han: Lance Guzman

Gong: Noah Allen


An Experiment with An Air Pump (Producer)